ADA Quick Facts!


How many of my handicap parking stalls have to be Van accessible?

One of six (or fraction of six) accessible parking spaces, but always at least one, must be van accessible.

Can I put my handicap stalls anywhere?

Accessible parking spaces must be located on the shortest accessible route of travel to an accessible facility entrance. Where buildings have multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, the accessible parking spaces must be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances..

Do I have to provide an access lane/route?

An accessible route must always be provided from the accessible parking to the accessible entrance. An accessible route never has curbs or stairs, must be at least 3 feet wide, and has a firm, stable, slip-resistant surface. The slope along the accessible route should not be greater than 1:12 in the direction of travel.

Is 96 inches big enough for my Van Accessible Stall?

Van parking space must be 132 inches wide minimum with an adjacent 60-inch wide minimum access aisle but, in some cases a van parking space of 96 inches wide minimum with an adjacent 96-inch wide minimum access aisle is also permitted.

Do I have to install ISA handicap signs at all of my accessible stalls?

Where four or fewer parking spaces are provided on a site, signage identifying the van-accessible parking space is not required.